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Soroptimist International
of the
Sierra Foothills
Improving the Lives of Women and Children

Mini-Grant Awards
Soroptimist International of the Sierra Foothills (SISF) held our annual breakfast at Tofanelli's on Thursday March 21st to honor mini-grant recipients: Bright Futures for Youth, Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation-Read Me a Story, Food Bank Diaper Project, KARE crisis Nursery, Music in the Mountains, The Nest and Women of Worth.
SISF awards annual Mini-Grants to non-profit agencies based upon projects that are consistent with our mission to improve the lives of women and children in Nevada County.
SISF raises money to provide grants and scholarships to non-profits and individuals by holding our annual Garden Tour every spring.

Women of Worth
SNMH Foundation Read me a Story
Music in the Mountains

KARE Crisis Nursery

Food Bank of Nevada County

Bright Futures for Youth
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